Thursday, June 23, 2011

Coming Soon...

So given the fact that it's been insanely hot here in Georgia this "Spring" (and I lose that term loosely), I've been trying to find ways to keep us all busy and occupied indoors...when it's 93 degrees at 10:30 am, I can't even begin to think about going out and spending the day at the park, I don't care how many fountains they have going, nothing fixes that kind of heat and cools you down.  So we've been running errands, doing lots of thrifting - and incorporating economics lessons into these trips as well...bonus points for us homeschool moms!  But once the errands have been run, and the little one is napping, and the older one is happily playing video games...what's a mom to do? 

Ever since I launched my shop I've been feeling creative...seeing all the amazing ways items can be repurposed has inspired me to expand my original plan of a resale shop, and contemplate the option of adding an entirely new section, or launching a sister store - full of handmade items.  Having a long standing addiction to purses and tote bags, it seemed a natural progression for me to tap into these creative juices and start making my own items.  I've had so much fun shopping for fabrics and spent hours hunched over my sewing machine, watching pieces of material come together and form something fun and functional.  I have tons of ideas in my head, and I know I've got a long road ahead of me to get them from inside my brain, to a piece of paper, and then to an actual tangible item...but I'm so excited by the challenge!  Even though the "practice" pieces I've made so far aren't perfect, they aren't far from it and I've been surprised at how cute they are coming out.  I can't wait to share them with you! 

So stay tuned, and be on the look out for hints that might be dropped in the next couple of weeks.  We'll be working with the amazing SheyB ( on a great giveaway in the next few weeks...and I'm hoping that I'll be able to include one of the new items I'll be selling with that giveaway, so you might actually be the FIRST person to own one (or more...hint hint) of these pieces! 

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